Monday, August 20, 2012

Jeremiah before birth

We have 2 daughters born 2 years apart & without major health issues. When my 2nd daughter T was in pre-school Jeremiah was conceived. My husband P.A. was ecstatic! He started praying for a son.

As it was my 3rd pregnancy, I didn't rush to my doctor straight away - "no hurry" I thought. Daily routine went on. Get kids ready for school, do chores, prepare meals - repeat the next day.

That morning was no different. I was walking back to the lift lobby after T was picked up by the school bus when I felt a hot gush of fluid & thought to myself "???". I quickly went home to check & discovered I had experienced pre-natal bleeding. I've experienced 'spotting' while pregnant with C, my eldest daughter but this    
time seems more severe. I called P.A. to get me to my doctor & lay down to wait for him. Panic was how I felt.

At Dr H's clinic, I got worked up & was crying. Dr H gave me a hormone injection which was suppose to stabilize my pregnancy. He ordered bed rest & minimal strain for the next 2 weeks. My mother came to my aid - as usual. She took over my work as well as took care of me. When the bleeding continued the next few days - I got another hormone injection & continued to lie in bed as much as possible. Not daring to make unnecessary movements.

After recovering from that ordeal. Life went back to routine - more or less. I was not putting on weight much, it was similar with my first 2 pregnancies - I only started gaining more weight during the 3rd trimester. Dr H, however, became concerned & since I was in my early 30s - he referred me to a specialist for an amniocentesis -to check for Down syndrome etc.