Thursday, October 30, 2008


Welcome to my blog! Ü

I am a full-time mom (as if there are part-time ones!) who sells things on ebay on the side - mainly because I hate to dispose of things that obviously still have alot of use left in them or those that others might have been looking for. At very competitive prices - I might add! (Just to speed up the clearing of my inventory.)

Please take some time to visit my listings on ebay, the link is right below my new 'logo'. It roughly translates as - open for business - in Japanese.

I'm NOT Japanese. Have studied the language for years but is still not good at it. 8oP

I have a whole load of life's drama yet to be written down in words - will try to blog them down - sometime!

Thank you for visiting!

PS: If you do visit my ebay listings & perchance buy something - do let me know that you saw this blog okay, pleeeeease. Ü

1 comment:

Trading_Fun said...

Glad that there are like minded people out there who recycles..... It's such a waste to throw away when others can use them.

I have been making envelopes from A4 used envelopes to post some items I sell on ebay.